Adult 2025
Hover over the photo of the wrapped gifts to see the complete unboxing underneath!

The Fabric of Her Life
November Box
The Memory Dress by Jade BeerPage 60: "As I step inside, I immediately see a network of strings crisscrossing a wall to my left, and attached to it with tiny wooden pegs are a collection of images, many of them dress sketches with what look like locations scribbled in pencil on the bottom of each one."
The included gift was a custom beaded wooden wall hanging with clothespins and a set of nine exclusively created fashion sketches of some of Princess Diana's most famous dresses.
Page 144: "My note is short and simple. Am I doing the right thing? I scrawl, before I wedge the paper behind door number 8."
The included gift was a custom, adorable kit to set up your very own fairy door!
Page 264: "When she returns, she is holding the black bag in her hand. She sits back beside me and slowly unzips it to reveal its closely guarded contents to me for the first time: steel pins, a tightly rolled cloth tape measure..."
The included gift was a custom set of three zippered pouches - a large Essentials bag in black, a medium Self Care bag in green, and a small Bits & Bobs bag in orange. Also includes a mini sewing kit and mini pair of scissors.
Page 371: "I grab the packet of egg sandwiches I've made, add them to my tote bag with the red flask of tea, and head downstairs to Meredith's apartment."
The included gift was a custom 16oz red metal tumbler that has Positive Vibes Only printed on the side.